Home / About saints / The fascinating story of the life of Padre Pio

The fascinating story of the life of Padre Pio

Discover the fascinating life story of Padre Pio, a beloved Italian friar and mystic who became one of the most renowned Saints of the Catholic Church. This video takes you through the incredible journey of Padre Pio, from his early childhood to his spiritual journey, his stigmata, and his impact on millions of people around the world. Explore his profound spirituality, miraculous healings, stigmata, and unwavering faith that touched the hearts of millions around the world. Whether you are a devout follower of Padre Pio or simply interested in extraordinary lives, this video will provide an overview of Padre Pio’s life and teachings and legacy.

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One comment

  1. Greetings! A very nice and well-researched presentation(!)

    A couple of corrections: (1) the picture you show of Pius XI is actually a picture of Eugene Paccelli(sp?), Pope Pius XII (Pope from 1939(?) to 1958) . . ., and; (2) I believe “Capuchin” is pronounced with the accent on the first syllable (‘cap’), not on the ‘u’ (i.e., the second syllable) . . .

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